Case Report of Typhoid Fever (Salmonella typhi)


Dhengare Archana,Pohekar Savita,Sakharwade Prerana,Sakharkar Sheetal,Gujhar Samrudhi,Tembare Vaishali,Ankar Ruchirra


Typhoid fever is a major health problem globally. Typhoid fever is an enteric fever characterized by systemic illness along with abdominal pain and fever in a "step-ladder" pattern. Typhoid fever is one of the major causes of mortality and morbidity in overcrowded and unhygienic areas though comprehensive research and public health interventions have decreased the occurrence. Patient is having sign symptoms as gastrointestinal symptoms, malaise, hepatomegaly, and high liver enzymes presented with a two-week fever. As a differential diagnosis, a Widal test  is done and two blood cultures were requested; both came out positive, confirming the diagnosis of typhoid fever caused by Salmonella typhi. Treatment with ceftriaxone and metronidazole was stared prior to confirmation of the diagnosis, with a partial response; later, pharmacological therapy was altered based on ciprofloxacin susceptibility testing, with a satisfactory clinical response. We look at how to diagnose and treat enteric fever, with an importance to typhoid fever. Symptoms or important clinical finding:- A 6 year old male was admitted in A.V.B.R.H on date 12/03/2021 with chief complaint of abdominal discomfort, malaise, problems such as  fever since 2 weeks, gastrointestinal symptoms, lethargy, hepatomegaly, and an increased liver enzyme. Diagnosis therapeutic intervention and outcome: A case is diagnosed as Typhoid Fever. After physical examination and investigation, doctor was detected a case of 6 week. Therapeutic intervention and outcome: Also provide a calcium supplements and iron supplements present case was stable but according to ultrasonography finding. Outcome- Good sanitation, improved water supply, and a suitable sewage waste matter system, as well as the successful use of existing typhoid vaccinations, can all help to avoid typhoid fever. Nursing Perspective: Administration fluid replacement .i.e DNS and RL monitored vital signs per hourly. Maintained temperature chart 2 hourly strictly, maintained intake output chart properly. Tablet paracetamol, antibiotics given as per doctor’s order. Conclusion: Good sanitation, improved water supply, and a suitable sewage waste matter  system, as well as the successful use of existing typhoid vaccinations, can all help to avoid typhoid fever.


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