Comparison of Anti-Tuberculosis Treatment Outcomes of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Current, Ex and Non Smokers


Talpur Subrab Khan,Kumar Mukesh,Abbass Ameer,Jan Naseema Ahmed,Lohano Kheem Chand,Memon Ishtiaque Ahmed


Objective: To detect treatment outcomes in current smokers, ex - smokers and nonsmokers, in newly diagnosed pulmonary TB patients. Methodology: This cohort prospective study was conducted in the department of Microbiology, Basic Medical Sciences Institute, Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre Karachi, with the collaboration of different (DOTS) centers of Pathology Karachi Medical and Dental College, Karachi. All newly diagnosed pulmonary TB patients registered for treatment either of gender were included. The patients were divided into three groups. Group-A: Current smokers, Group-B: Ex-smokers, Group-C: Non-smokers. Patients were followed for 6 months. Outcome was assessed in terms of cured or failure. All the information was enrolled in pre-designed proforma. Data was analyzed by using SPSS version 20. Results: In current study mean age of non-smokers was 44.20±17.73, ex-smokers 43.13±15.67 years mean age of smokers was 38.07±15.67 years. Males were in majority in all study groups as in ex-smokers group, males were 98.75%, non-smoker males were 90.0% and in smoker group males were 92.50%. At starting of treatment, mean weight of smoker patients was 55.50±5.41 kg, ex-smoker’s 48.91±9.00 kg and mean weight of non-smokers 48.71±7.04 kg. P-0.001. At starting of treatment, the mean ESR of non-smokers was 89.31±10.02, ex-smoker’s was 82.62±12.18 and smokers ESR average was 80.61±15.83. P-0.001. After 6 month treatment, cured rate was (96.25%) in non-smokers, (90%) in smokers and (93.75%) in ex–smokers. Conclusion: This study concluded that cured rate was high in non-smokers. Smoking status in individuals greatly affects the tuberculosis treatment outcome with enhance failure rate.


Sciencedomain International







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