Thyroid issues have long been debated as a possible cause of gall stone disease. The link between hypothyroidism and gallstone disease could be explained in a variety of ways. The main objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of hypothyroidism in gallstone patients and to rule out hypothyroidism as a probable cause of gallstone formation. A prospective study was conducted in surgical wards of Department of surgery sree balaji medical college from 2016 to 2017. All patients were evaluated using a comprehensive clinical history and examination, as well as suitable investigations such as abdominal USG, thyroid function tests, and lipid profiles. Out of 22 patients 19 patients (86.4%) had normal TSH, 2 patients (9.1%) had increased TSH, 1 patient (4.5%) had decreased TSH. Raised TSH was more in the AGE Group of 61- 75 years, which is comparable to other studies. Out of 22 patients, (100%) had normal T3 levels. 19 patients (86.4%) had normal T4 levels and Ultrasound examination of neck, 2 patients (9.1%) had decreased T4 level and 1 patient (4.5%) had increased T4 levels and 3 patients (13.6%) had abnormal Ultrasound Neck findings. Hence In this Study Cholelithiasis is most commonly seen in Females of age group of 41-60 years and prevalence of raised TSH level in cholelithiasis patient was 9% and most were found in the age group of 61-80 years.
Sciencedomain International