Ayurvedic Management of Parikarthika (Acute Fissure in Ano) – A Case Study
Container-title:Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International
V. Sreerag M.,Dhule Mukund
Among anorectal diseases, Parikarthika (Fissure in ano) is considered one of the most painful diseases. Now a days the incidence rate of this disease became more due to the irregular food habits as well as unproper modern life style changes. Due to this its recent occurrence in all types of age groups irrespective of gender. This case study described the effective management of acute fissure in ano which was managed with ayurvedic treatment modalities. A 23-year male patient came with symptoms of pain and burning during and after defecation and also having the presence of blood streak while passing of stool. The patient was diagnosed as acute fissure due to the presence of a cut longitudinal ulcer in lower part of anal canal at the 6 o’clock position. Ayurvedic treatment approach both internally and externally were followed. Jatyadi Ghritham Pichu application followed by a lukewarm water sitz bath was advised as external treatment. The complete improvement was found in this within 12 days of treatment. No reoccurrence was noted even after 3rd month of follow up.
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