To assess the prevalence and risk factors which contribute to anemia among adolescent girls in selected
Introduction: ‘Anemia is a disease in which, because of one or more vital nutrient deficiencies, the blood hemoglobin content is lower than average, irrespective of the cause of such deficiency. In Maharashtra, according to District Level Household Survey (DLHS) 2002-2006, the prevalence of moderate anemia in adolescent girls was estimated to be 53%, whereas severe anemia was 29%.
Aims: To assess the Prevalence and risk factors which contribute to anemia among adolescent girls in selected Schools.
Research Methodology: A cross sectional study was carried in 150 adolescent girls age between 10 to 15 years. Quantitative research approach was used. Non-probability convenience sample technique was used.
Results: The data obtained to describe the sample characteristics including demographic variables (age of adolescent girls, education, mother education, type of family, monthly family income and type of diet), prevalence of anemia among adolescent girls, menstrual factors and dietary factors. The levels of anemia were seen into 4 categories, normal Hb% level, mild anemia, moderate anemia and severe anemia. In demographic variables, Type of family of adolescent girls (p=0.04) is statistically associated with prevalence of anemia. In menstrual factors, duration of blood flow is found to be statistically associated with menstrual factors of adolescent girls (p=0.0001). In dietary factors, it is interpreted dietary factors of adolescent girls is statistically not associated with their prevalence of anemia.
Conclusion: The prevalence of anemia is more in adolescent girls. A statistically significant was found between nuclear family but not with the other socio-demographic factors. No association was found between status of menstrual factors except duration of blood flow.
Sciencedomain International
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