The Biodiversity Status and Conservation Activities of Singra National Park (SNP) in the Link of Co-Management Strategy


Ali M. M.,Akter N.,Kabir M. R.,Hasan M. M.,Rahman M. M.,Bari M. S.


This paper emphasizes the trend of biodiversity and their conservation strategy of Singra National Park (SNP), which is very well known for its characteristics as deciduous forest. Two types of studies were conducted: (i) Study of the vegetation composition and structure and (ii) conservation strategy of the Forest. In the first study, the diversity of plant (trees, shrubs, herbs and climbers) and animal (birds, amphibians, reptiles and mammals) species were measured. A stratified random quadrat method was employed to determine the floral diversity. A total of 32 plant species  were recorded including 19 tree species, 5 herbs, 4 shrubs and four climbers. Inventory of fauna species was conducted using a combination of transect walk/ opportunistic and ethno zoological interview methods. Total 28 animal species were recorded of which 13 were birds, 3 were amphibians, 6 were reptiles and 6 were mammals. With regard to the quantitative attributes of total flora and fauna species, the highest number was found in trees (mean, 126.00) and the lowest number was found in mammals (mean, 7.00). The result showed very high significant variation among them. The second study examined the management of the forest, causes of biodiversity loss, administrative problems with management of wildlife. Data were collected from the SNPauthority and questionnaire survey among local people in the study area. It was evident from the study that the people around the forest collect forest flora and fauna illegally. The people are not aware of the importance of forest in various aspects like  social, economic, ecological and environmental domains. Forest authorities are trying to involve the people in and around the forest to co-management for conservation and restoration of the forest.


Sciencedomain International

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