

Colloca Luana1,Jobes Connor2,Liang Tom3,Simmons Kanesha4


1. Luana Colloca has a joint appointment at the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (MD, USA) and National Institute of Mental Health, NIH (MD, USA), leading a research group investigating the neurobiological mechanisms of placebo analgesia and pain. She has authored more than 40 papers and co-edited two books on the placebo effect. She has approached this topic from both an experimental and clinical perspective, with the goal of providing insights into the mechanisms of the placebo...

2. Connor Jobes worked as a Research Assistant in Luana Colloca’s group at the NIH during his senior year at Walter Johnson High School (MD, USA) as part of an academic internship program. He is now majoring in psychology at the University of Pittsburgh (PA, USA).

3. Tom Liang is a post-baccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award fellow in the Intramural Division working with Luana Colloca and assists her in investigating placebo mechanisms in humans. He obtained a BA in psychology from Johns Hopkins University (MD, USA).

4. Kanesha Simmons is a post-baccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award fellow in the Intramural Division, conducting psychophysiological experiments and performing neurophysiological experiments on pain and the placebo effect. She double-majored in cognitive science and psychology at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville (VA, USA).


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