The purpose of this study was to realize the situation of adolescent girls’ health in Bangladesh. For this, I conducted a community-based cross-sectional study at 8 wards in Rajshahi City Corporation area, Bangladesh. I interviewed a total of 1084 adolescent girls aged 10-19 years through a structured questionnaire. I have also used univariate, bivariate, and logistic regression analyses for the investigation of various socio-economic, demographic, and health-connected female adolescents’ behavior and related knowledge variables. The study result shows that 37.6% of adolescent girl knows teenage health care. It is also shown that very few numbers of adolescents have an idea about abortion, reproductive health, acquaintance pregnancy avoiding, and family planning methods but a maximum number of respondents heard about the idea of sex, marriage, and HIV/AIDS. The study reveals that there is a significant association between knowledge about adolescent health care and the idea of abortion and HIV/AIDS. Sexual violence is directly related to the duration of the marriage. The age of respondents, Idea about pregnancy, Idea about abortion, Physical problem during menstruation, and knowledge about pregnancy method also has a significant effect on knowledge about adolescent health. We recommend improved accessibility to relevant information on reproductive health issues. The study also suggested making the existing health facilities more adolescent-friendly.
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