A Study on Role of Rural Women of District Anantnag of Kashmir Valley in Natural Resource Management


Bhat Bilal Ahmad,Aushiq Samreena


A natural resource is a material that comes from the natural environment and in its raw or “natural” state is of value for support and sustenance of life on earth with its ecological value and diverse resources. The natural resource management is the taking care of natural resources like land, water. It has been noticed that use and abuse of natural resources is a key issue that has been caused by mankind. The misuse of natural resources directly or indirectly refers to excessive use, destructive use or achieving imbalance between natural resources either individually or in combination. The purpose of current study was to investigate the role of Rural women in natural resources management and utilization in Anantnag, J&K. The role of women in natural resource management is crucial for sustainable development. This abstract explores the multifaceted contributions of women of this domain, including their roles as farmers, forest users, and water managers women”s local knowledge and expertise often lead to effective resource conservation and community resilience .Despite their significant contributions ,women often face barriers such as limited access to resources and decision making power and empowering women in natural resource management can enhance conservation efforts and promote equitable and inclusive development. In the current study quantitative as well as qualitative data was collected from 100 rural women selected at random using simple random sampling technique. The data collected were analyzed using appropriate statistical tools. The study revealed that the respondents understudy in majority have limited access of latest technology, skill training, education, extension services and current information. In order to strengthen the women’s participation in resources management and sustainable uses, the researchers suggest that suitable measures should be taken to empower women in decision making, skill training, education and extension activities.


HM Publishers

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