Policing is a male-dominated profession, so women Police sometimes face genderdominated obstacles. The study aimed to demonstrate the motivations, experiences, perceptions, barriers, and approaches of the women police of Bangladesh toward their career in the Bangladesh Police. The study analyzed the responses to a questionnaire from 40 women police of different ranks in Bangladesh. With the application of the mixed methodology, the study found that: i) the women police were motivated to serve the nation as well as to support their family, ii) 82% of the respondent women police felt that they were equally competent, and 13% indicated that they are more capable than their male counterpart in different job criteria, iii) 35% of the respondent women police thought that they are equally treated compared to the male members of Bangladesh police, iv) the respondents believed that there is a lack of gender-sensitive work environment in Bangladesh, v) stress occurs from the bindings of performing the dual role at a time: Home management, and workload in the office, vi) 57.5% of the 40 respondent officers mentioned that they did not experience the comfortable work environment.
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