Gucci Yolla Castro,Putri K. Y.S.,Sutjipto Vera Wijayanti
Uploaded social media contents from idols to fans on a continuous state can create a sense of closeness for fans. The upload usually contains the idol's daily activities. The language communicated on idol social media uploads uses language similar to interpersonal communication. This is what increases parasocial relationships with fans. This study aims to find out how emotional involvement is established in parasocial relationships carried out by K-Pop Enthusiasts on X. This research uses a qualitative approach and descriptive research. The results of this study show fans who are members of K-Pop fans constantly interact with their idols through social media, especially X. Fans also have high self-disclosure as K-Popers and high expressions of love for their idols. In addition, fans have a high sense of dependency to stay connected with things related to their idol.
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