Chaudhary Shreyam,Sathe Mr. Atul
Technology enabled education has been trending worldwide for many years but recent pandemic of COVID 19 has brought paradigm shift in teaching learning processes. EdTech has facilitated learning by breaking walls of geographical and cultural boundaries across all sections of societies in India. The paper aims at understanding perception and responsiveness of people towards EdTech. Study also focuses on identifying opportunities and challenges of EdTeching future. The structured questionnaire was circulated using convenient sampling method to collect primary data from 44 respondents. The questionnaire included aspects of devices used, frequency of use, preference to learn and so on. It was found that the respondents had fair idea about functioning of EdTech and respondents used EdTech as primary and secondary source of knowledge equally. The key challenges faced in using EdTech were found to be technical issues, lack of personal touch and attention and inability to pose questions on the spot. If interface is made user - friendly and lectures are made available on offline platform too then the utility can be multiplied so as to reach to last leg of society.
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