The Relationship between Asmr Experience and the Perceived Stress Levels of College Students


B Cariño Sarah


ASMR has drawn interest as a potential stress-reduction tool due to its ability to promote emotional balance and relaxation. The findings of this study are of significant importance in examining the effect of Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) videos on students' perceived stress levels. This study employs a quantitative nonexperimental research design utilizing the correlational technique. The respondents were taken from Davao del Norte since students in this area exhibit a unique combination of diverse cultural backgrounds, socio-economic conditions, and educational experiences that positions them as ideal respondents for research studies. Purposive sampling was used to select respondents to determine the relationship between the ASMR experience and perceived stress levels of students. The findings revealed that among the indicators of ASMR experience, experience viewing frequency had the highest mean, followed by tingling sensation response. This indicates that college students, particularly those from selected schools in Davao del Norte, exhibit a significant degree of ASMR experience, as evidenced by their frequent engagement with ASMR content and their tingling sensation responses when exposed to ASMR triggers. In terms of perceived stress levels, both emotional stress and cognitive stress were found to be low among college students. This suggests that, in the study’s sample, students generally experience low levels of stress, even while engaging with ASMR content. This supports the hypothesis that ASMR experience can have a stressreducing effect on individuals, aligning with previous research indicating that ASMR induces relaxation and positive emotional responses.


HM Publishers

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