Investigation of Injury Anxiety Level in Handball Players in Terms of Different Variables


GÜLER Yunus Emre


The aim of this study is to determine the injury anxiety levels in handball players and to compare the sports injury anxiety scale sub-dimension levels in terms of different variables. The sample group of the study consisted of 164 male-female handball players who played licensed handball and met the inclusion criteria of the study. Research data were collected online with Google Doc, with a questionnaire created using demographic information form and sports injury anxiety scale. In the analysis of the data, firstly, normality analyzes were applied to the data and it was given that the data conformed to the normal distribution. The Independent Sample T-Test was used to compare quantitative continuous data between two independent groups, and the One-Way Anova test between more than two independent groups. Pearson Correlation test was used to determine the level of relationship between variables. In the test findings, while there was a significant difference in the sub-dimensions of injury anxiety in terms of gender, level of athleticism and injury site (p0,05). In addition, it was observed that there was a relationship between the duration of injury and the sub-dimensions of injury anxiety (p


Ibrahim Erdemir

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