1. Abbott, Edwin. A Shakespearian Grammar: An Attempt to Illustrate Some of the Differences Between Elizabethan and Modern English. London: Macmillan and Co., 1888.
2. Allan, James. “Automatic Hypertext Link Typing.” Proceedings of Hypertext ’96. New York: ACM, 1996. The Arden Shakespeare CD-ROM: Texts and Sources for Shakespeare Study. Walton-on-Thames: Arden Shakespeare, 1997.
3. Bevington, David. Shakespeare. Arlington Heights, IL: AHM Publishers, 1978.
4. Browne, Glenda. “Automatic Indexing and Abstracting.” Library Automated Systems Information Exchange 27 (1996):58-65. Available at: http://www.zeta.org.au/~aussi/browneg.htm
5. Bullough, Geoffrey. Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare. 8 vols. New York: Columbia UP, 1957-75.