Autobiography of Vladislav Nikolaevich Nuvano (born 1963)


Nuvano Vladislav,McGarr Benjamin


Consortium Erudit


General Social Sciences,General Arts and Humanities

Reference19 articles.

1. Antonov, E. V., T. V. Litvinenko, and V. N. Nuvano, 2018 “Polimasshtabnyi analiz dinamiki domashnego olenevodstva v arkticheskikh regionakh: territorial’nye sdvigi, vnutriregional’nye i lokal’nye razlichiia” [Multiscale analysis of the dynamics of domestic reindeer herding in the Arctic regions: Territorial shifts, intra-regional and local differences]. Izvestiia Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriia geograficheskaia 5: 21–35.

2. Antonov, E. V., T. V. Litvinenko, and V. N. Nuvano, 2019 “Multiscale Analysis of the Dynamics in Reindeer Herding in the Arctic Region: Geographical Shifts and Intraregional and Local Differences.” Regional Research of Russia 9, no. 1: 53–65.

3. Kolomiets, O. P., and V. N. Nuvano, 2017 “Chukotskoe olenevodstvo v kontse XIX—pervoi polovine XX v.” [Chukchi reindeer herding at the late 19th–first half of the 20th century]. Tomskii zhurnal lingvisticheskikh i antropologicheskikh issledovanii no. 4 (18): 76–88.

4. Kolomiets, O. P., and V. N. Nuvano, 2020 “Pogrebal’nye praktiki v sovremennoi chukotskoi kul’ture” [Funeral practices in contemporary Chukchi culture]. Tomskii zhurnal lingvisticheskikh i antropologicheskikh issledovanii, no. 1 (27), 126–136.

5. Kozlov, A. I., V. Nuvano, and E. Zdor, 2008 “Dieta Chukotki” [The Diet of Chukotka]. Khimiia i zhizn’—XXI vek, no. 4: 42.







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