Nuvano Vladislav,McGarr Benjamin
General Social Sciences,General Arts and Humanities
Reference19 articles.
1. Antonov, E. V., T. V. Litvinenko, and V. N. Nuvano, 2018 “Polimasshtabnyi analiz dinamiki domashnego olenevodstva v arkticheskikh regionakh: territorial’nye sdvigi, vnutriregional’nye i lokal’nye razlichiia” [Multiscale analysis of the dynamics of domestic reindeer herding in the Arctic regions: Territorial shifts, intra-regional and local differences]. Izvestiia Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriia geograficheskaia 5: 21–35.
2. Antonov, E. V., T. V. Litvinenko, and V. N. Nuvano, 2019 “Multiscale Analysis of the Dynamics in Reindeer Herding in the Arctic Region: Geographical Shifts and Intraregional and Local Differences.” Regional Research of Russia 9, no. 1: 53–65.
3. Kolomiets, O. P., and V. N. Nuvano, 2017 “Chukotskoe olenevodstvo v kontse XIX—pervoi polovine XX v.” [Chukchi reindeer herding at the late 19th–first half of the 20th century]. Tomskii zhurnal lingvisticheskikh i antropologicheskikh issledovanii no. 4 (18): 76–88.
4. Kolomiets, O. P., and V. N. Nuvano, 2020 “Pogrebal’nye praktiki v sovremennoi chukotskoi kul’ture” [Funeral practices in contemporary Chukchi culture]. Tomskii zhurnal lingvisticheskikh i antropologicheskikh issledovanii, no. 1 (27), 126–136.
5. Kozlov, A. I., V. Nuvano, and E. Zdor, 2008 “Dieta Chukotki” [The Diet of Chukotka]. Khimiia i zhizn’—XXI vek, no. 4: 42.