1. BROCHU, M. (1961): Déplacement de blocs et d autres sédiments par la glace sur les estrans du Saint-Laurent en amont de Québec, Et. géogr. No. 30, min. Mines et Relevés techn., Ottawa, 16 p.
2. CANADA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT, METEOROLOGICAL BRANCH (1964-1971): Ice Summary and Analysis, annual publ.; after 1971 publ. by Environment Canada, Atmospheric Environment Serv.
3. CANADIAN HYDROGRAPHIC SERVICE, MARINE SCIENCES BRANCH (1970): Climate of the Canadian Arctic, Ottawa, Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources, 71 p.
4. CANADIAN HYDROGRAPHIC SERVICE (1979): Canadian Tide and the Current Tables, 1979, Vol. IV, Arctic and Hudson Bay, Ottawa, Fisheries and Environment Canada, Fisheries and Marine Serv., 51 p.
5. DALE, J. E. (in preparation): Physical and biological zonation of subarctic tidal flats at Frobisher Bay, southeast Baffin Island, M.Sc. thesis, McMaster Univ.