Aboriginal peoples of Chukotka


Abryutina Larisa1


1. Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of The North (RAIPON),P.O. Box 110,119415,Moscow,Russia.


Before the Aboriginal peoples of Chukotka were introduced to European culture, they lived a traditional way of life which defined their material and spiritual culture. During the integration into the Russian State, all spheres of their life went through various transformations. This article presents an overiew of the history of Aboriginal peoples of Chukotka (Yupiget, Chukchi, Evens, Koryaks, Chuvans, Yukagirs and Kereks).


Consortium Erudit


General Social Sciences,General Arts and Humanities

Reference19 articles.

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2. ANONYMOUS, 1968 Resheniia Partii i Pravitel’stva po khoziaistvenym voprosam (‘Decisions of the Party and the Government on economic questions’), tome 4, Moscow: 331- 336.

3. ANONYMOUS, 1995 Programma obustroistva sel – mest kompaktnogo prozhivaniia malochislennikh narodov Severa (‘Program for the development of the rural areas settled by small-numbered peoples of the North’), Chukotka, Anadyr.

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1. The Militarization of the Arctic to 1990;The Palgrave Handbook of Arctic Policy and Politics;2019-11-15

2. Health and society in Chukotka: an overview;International Journal of Circumpolar Health;2013-01-31








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