1. LELE, J. K. & R. SINGH (1987) "Language and literature of Dalits and Saints: Some missed opportunities", in I. Narain & L. Lutze (réd.), Literature, Social Consciousness and Polity: Papers from the Eighth European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies, Delhi, Manohar, pp. 28-60.
2. LELE, J. K. & R. SINGH (1989) Language and Society: Steps Towards An Integrated Theory, Leiden, Brill.
3. SINGH, R. (1974) "Compte-rendu de G. Nickel (réd.), Papers in Contrastive Linguistics", Lingua, vol. 33, pp. 69-77.
4. SINGH, R. (1983) "We, they, and us: A note on code-switching and social stratification in North India", Language in Society, vol. 12, pp. 71-73.
5. SINGH, R. (1984a) "Sociolinguistic opacity and South Asians in Canada", The Toronto South Asian Review, vol. 3, no 1, pp. 60-62.