1. Alden, W. C., 1924. Physical features of central Massachusetts, Map showing area covered by the great ice sheets in North America at their maximum extension and the centers of ice accumulation. Fig. 5. In Contributions to the geography of the United States 1923-24. United States Geological Survey Bulletin 760, 1924.
2. Andrews, J. T. and Mahaffy, M. A. W., 1976. Growth rate of the Laurentide Ice Sheet and sea level lowering (with emphasis on the 115,000 B.P. sea level low). Quaternary Research, 6: 167-183.
3. Atwood, W. W., 1940. The physiographic provinces of North America. Blaisdale, Boston [see Fig. 74, p. 156].
4. Bell, R., 1865. Surficial deposits between Lake Superior and the Gaspé. Atlas to Geology of Canada, 1863 (1867).
5. Bell, R., 1866. [Report on the Manitoulin Islands