1. ALTMAN, Jon, 1987 Hunter-Gatherers Today: An Aboriginal Economy in North Australia, Canberra, Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies.
2. BALIKCI, Asen, 1968 The Netsilik Eskimos: Adaptive Processes, in R.B. Lee and I. DeVore (eds), Man the Hunter, Chicago, Aldine: 78-82.
3. BALIKCI, Asen, 1970 The Netsilik Eskimo, New York, Natural History Press.
4. BALIKCI, Asen, 1989 Ethnography and theory in the Canadian Arctic, Études/Inuit/Studies, 13(2):103-111.
5. BALIKCI, Asen, David DAMAS, Fred EGGAN, June HELM and Sherwood WASHBURN, 1968 Discussion, Part II: The Central Eskimo: A Marginal Case?, in R.B. Lee and I. DeVore (eds), Man the Hunter, Chicago, Aldine: 83-85.