Graceful Exits: Spirit Possession as Personal Performance in Mayotte


Lambek Michael1


1. University of Toronto


In what ways can spirit possession among the Malagasy speakers of Mayotte (Comoro Islands, East Africa) be said to be a creative performance? Situating trance episodes in the broader life context of the performer enables us to see that style is in large part a product of frame management. A good performer provides a clear and resonant articulation of her identities as character, medium, and person. Such an articulation is examined at two problematic moments—the closing of a possession ceremony and the closing of a career in old age. The focus on exits marks a departure from the epidemiological slant characteristic of much of the literature and provides a novel way of dealing with trance practice in a non-deterministic framework.


Consortium Erudit

Reference30 articles.

1. BATESON, Gregory 1972 A Theory of Play and Fantasy, In Steps to an Ecology of Mind, New York, Ballantine.

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3. BLOCH, Maurice 1986 From Blessing to Violence: History and Ideology in the Circumcision Ritual of the Merina of Madagascar, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

4. BLOCH, Maurice n.d. A View of a Review From Across the Water. Paper presented at the 86th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, Nov. 19,1987.

5. BODDY, Janice 1988 Spirits and Selves in Northern Sudan: The Cultural Therapeutics of Possession and Trance, American Ethnologist, 15:4-27.







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