1. AIRA, César (2001). Alejandra Pizarnik. Barcelone, Ediciones Omega, coll. « Vidas Literarias ».
2. ÁLVAREZ, Lynne (1979). « Alejandra Pizarnik – Selected Poems ». Review, 24, pp. 53-69.
3. ÁLVAREZ, Lynne (1982). « Alejandra Pizarnik », in Octavio Armand, dir., Towards An Image of Latin American Poetry. Durango, Logbridge-Rhodes Inc., pp. 157-173.
4. BASSNETT, Susan (1994). « From Tree of Diana », in Marjorie Agosín, dir., These Are Not Sweet Girls – Latin American Women Poets. Fredonia, NY, White Pine Press, pp. 290-296.
5. BASSNETT, Susan (1996). « Blood and Mirrors: Imagery of Violence in the Writings of Alejandra Pizarnik », in Anny Brooksbank Jones et Catherine Davies, dir., Latin American Women’s Writing: Feminist Readings in Theory and Crisis. Oxford, Clarendon Press, pp. 127-147.