1. Abella, Irving and Harold Troper. 2000. None is Too Many: Canada and the Jews of Europe 1933-1948. Toronto: Key Porter Books.
2. Bannerji, Himani. 2000. The Dark Side of the Nation: Essays on Multiculturalism, Nationalism and Gender. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.
3. Biderman, Morris. 2000. My Life on the Jewish Left: An Immigrant's Experience. Toronto: Onward Publishing.
4. Bissoondath, Neil. 2002. Selling Illusions: The Cult of Multiculturalism in Canada. Toronto: Penguin Books Canada.
5. Frager, Ruth A. 1992. Sweatshop Strife: Class, Ethnicity and Gender in the Jewish Labour Movement of Toronto. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.