From adoption to assisted reproduction : frameworks, practices and issues
surrounding the question of origins and its narratives
Container-title:Enfances, Familles, Générations
Martial Agnès1, Côté Isabel2, Lavoie Kévin3, Baslyk Valentina
1. Co-director, Centre Norbert Elias, Director of Research, French National
Centre for Scientific Research, 2. Canada Research Chair on Gestational Surrogacy and Family Ties,
Professor, Department of Social Work, Université du Québec en Outaouais, 3. Professor, School of Social Work and Criminology, Université Laval,
Research Framework: In a context characterized
by new possibilities for parenthood within societies where family structures are
becoming increasingly diverse, the issue of knowing one's origins is currently
provoking intense political, social and scientific debates. These debates are
emblematic of a more general movement that reflects a growing interest in the
question of origins within contemporary patterns of family configuration, whether
created by adoption or assisted reproduction . The concept of origins is thus a
particularly relevant window shedding light on current social and political issues
surrounding the future of adoption, the conditions for assisted reproduction through
donation, the legislative framework of surrogacy and the application of biogenetic
knowledge, as well as an opportunity to analyze contemporary reconfigurations of
kinship and family links.
Objectives: To identify the primary issues
underlying the discourse on personal origins by outlining the context from which it
emerged, and by bringing together the various disciplinary approaches to define its
Methodology: This article is based on the
various authors' contributions in this issue, as well as on theoretical and
empirical studies that show how the concept of origins is used by those involved in
adoption and assisted reproduction . The comparative perspective is chosen for this
Results: The focus on origins reveals a
profound evolution linked to the growing dissociation of procreation from kinship,
which appear to be leading to the emergence of "new" relationships and actors. The
rapid advancement of reproductive technologies is broadening the circumstances,
already present in adoption, in which people have children but do not become parents
in the legal sense, remaining "at the edges" of kinship.
Conclusions: The concept of origins provides a
particularly rich field for examining current representations and interpretations of
the individuals associated with it (birth "parents" in adoption, egg and sperm
donors, women who have carried a child for others), the narratives that shape them,
and the place they occupy (or their absence) in the accounts of those who are
adopted or are born through surrogacy.
Contribution: This article brings a
theoretical and heuristic approach to the concept of origins and demonstrates its
relevance for examining the multiple relational realities created by current family
arrangements. The articles in this issue all contribute to this examination by
reflecting in complementary ways on the question of parentage.
Consortium Erudit
Social Sciences (miscellaneous),Anthropology,Social Psychology
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