1. Aron, Jonathan (1995/1996). “About Mark Strand.” Ploughshares, 21, 4, pp. 202-205.
2. Anon. (2015). “Mark Strand.” In R. Jackson and C. Taylor, eds. The Poetry Miscellany 45: Anniversary Retrospective Issue Featuring New and Selected Poems and Interviews from the Archives. English Department, UT-Chattanooga, Chattanooga, TN, pp. 129-132. Available at: [consulted 20 July 2021].
3. Bakhtin, Mikhail (1986). Speech Genre and Other Late Essays. Ed. C. Emerson and M. Holquist. Trans. Vern W. McGee. Austin, University of Texas Press.
4. Becker, Ernest (1973). The Denial of Death. New York, The Free Press.
5. Benjamin, Walter (2000). “The Task of the Translator.” Trans. Harry Zohn. In L. Venuti, ed. The Translation Studies Reader. London, Routledge, pp. 15-25.