1. Aletheus, Theophilus [Johann Lyser], Polygamia triumphatrix, Londini Scanorum, s.é., 1682.
2. Annales bourbonnaises, sixième année, Moulins, Imprimerie Étienne Auclair, 1892.
3. Anonyme, Historical Essay on the Ambition and Conquests of France, with some Remarks on the French Revolution, Londres, J. Debrett, 1797.
4. Anonyme, Historical Sketch of the French Revolution from its Commencement to the Year 1792, Londres, J. Debrett, 1792.
5. Ashmole, Elias, The Institution, Laws and Ceremonies of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, Londres, J. Macock, 1672.