1. Abrams, Meyer H. (2005) A Glossary of Literary Terms. Boston, Thomson Wadsworth.
2. ADAM, Jean-Michel (1993) La description. Paris, Presses universitaires de France.
3. AGNEW, John (1993) Representing Space: Space, Scale and Culture in Social Science. Dans James S. Duncan et David F. Ley (dir.) Place / Culture / Representation, Londres, Routledge, pp. 251-271.
4. Bal, Mieke (1985) Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative. London, University of Toronto Press.
5. BARTHES, Roland (1968) L’effet de réel. Dans Roland Barthes et al. (1980) Littérature et réalité, Paris, Seuil, pp. 81-90.