1. Abrahams, Roger D. and John F. Szwed eds. 1983. After Africa: Extracts from British Travel Accounts and Journals of the Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries Concering the Slaves, their Manners, and Customs in the British West Indies. New Haven: Yale University Press.
2. Anspach, Lewis. 1819. A History of Newfoundland. London: Allman and Richardson.
3. Beckwith, Martha Warren. 1928 [1969]. Jamaica Folk-Lore. New York: The American Folk-Lore Society.
4. “black a.” Dictionary of Newfoundland English. http://www.heritage.nf.ca/dictionary/azindex/pages/367.html, information retrieved on 15 July 2007.
5. Brooke, Chris.1988. A Public Nuisance: A History of the Mummers Troupe. St. John’s: Institute of Social and Economic Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland.