Praeg Dan,d’Anglejan Bruno,Syvitski James P. M.
A buried bedrock trough 350 m deep extends 100 km above Saguenay Fjord beneath the North Channel of the middle estuary. Four of five regional seismostratigraphic units are recognized in and adjacent to the trough; unit 1 (glacial ice-contact) and older sediments might also be present beneath the largely unpenetrated trough axis. Units 2 and 3 represent thick glacial marine sediments deposited in the >550 m deep waters of the Goldthwait Sea after glacial withdrawal ca. 13 ka BP: lower draped muds 10-20 m thick (unit 2) suggest deposition proximal to a retreating ice margin, while upper onlapping muds > 290 m thick (unit 3) record distal basin-filling; lateral transition to a coarse-grained proximal wedge 5*260 m thick (unit 2) is indicated by unit 3 reflectors rising and strengthening towards the Saguenay entrance, where a stable ice-margin ca. 13-11 ka BP supplied sediment to the lower and middle estuary. Unit 4 corresponds to lobes over 30 m thick on both sides of the upper North Channel, recording marginal input from glacial fluvio-deltaic sources. Unit 5 (estuarine sands, gravels and muds =£30 m thick) unconformably overlies glacial units. A smooth unconformity surface records erosion (at least 15 m, to axial depths >150m) by strong currents; irregular relief above depths of 25-50 m might relate to relative sea levels below present ca. 7-6 ka BP. Sand bedforms (apparently inactive) occur at the estuary floor, and possibly buried beneath estuarine muds; buried bedforms would imply an early Holocene genesis. Greatest thicknesses of estuarine mud coincide with adjacent fluvial discharges. Sandy/gravelly veneers form the estuary floor in most places. Mass displacement has disturbed units 3 and 5 along the northern, and locally southern, walls of the North Channel.
Reference65 articles.
1. Adams, J. and Basham, P., 1989. The seismicity and seismotectonics of Canada east of the Cordillera. Geoscience Canada, 15(1): 3-16.
2. d'Anglejan, B. F., 1971. Submarine sand dunes in the St. Lawrence Estuary. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 8: 1480-1486.
3. d'Anglejan, B. F., 1981. Évolution post-glaciaire et sédiments récents de la plate-forme infralittorale, Baie de Sainte-Anne, Estuaire du Saint-Laurent, Québec. Géographie physique et Quaternaire, 35(2): 253-260.
4. d'Anglejan, B. F., 1990. Recent sediments and sediment transport processes in the St.
5. Lawrence Estuary, p. 109-129. In M. I. El-Sabh and N. Silverberg, eds., Oceanography of a Large-Scale Estuarine System: The St. Lawrence. Coastal and Estuarine Studies, Vol. 39, Springer-Verlag, New York.
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