Routes, trails and tracks: Trail breaking among the Inuit of Igloolik


Aporta Claudio1


1. Centre Interuniversitaire d'Études et de Recherches Autochtones (CIÉRA),Université Laval,Pavillon Charles-De Koninck,Québec (Québec) G1K 7P4,Canada.


Despite significant social, economic, and technological changes, travelling remains a significant part of people's lives in the community of Igloolik, in the territory of Nunavut, Canada. When the snow covers the land and the sea ice, travellers start breaking trails, some of which recreate routes that have been used by generations of Inuit. These routes belong to the individual and social memory of the community, and this knowledge affords people safe and reliable travel to hunting and fishing grounds and between communities. This paper analyzes the characteristics of routes traditionally used by the people of Igloolik and explores the differences between land routes and sea-ice routes, the role of the trail breaker, and the characteristics of oral descriptions of routes. Finally, it addresses the issue of how the perception of trails is changing due to generational differences and the use of new transportation technologies. The study of trails and routes reveals some significant features of the Inuit understanding of the Arctic environment, provides an indication of the history of land and sea use in the area, and shows how verbal descriptions of the territory in particular and oral knowledge in general may remain unchanged or with little variation through time.


Consortium Erudit


General Social Sciences,General Arts and Humanities

Reference56 articles.

1. ALIANAKULUK, Louis, 2001 Interview for Igloolik Oral History Project, unpublished manuscript (no. IE-481) on file, Igloolik, Igloolik Research Centre, Archives of the Inullariit Society.

2. AMARUALIK, Hubert, 1994 Interview for Igloolik Oral History Project, unpublished manuscript (no. IE-314) on file, Igloolik, Igloolik Research Centre, Archives of the Inullariit Society.

3. AMARUALIK, Julia, 2001 Interview for Igloolik Oral History Project, unpublished manuscript (no. IE-470) on file, Igloolik, Igloolik Research Centre, Archives of the Inullariit Society.

4. ANDREWS, T., John ZOE, and Aaron HERTER, 1998 On yamqzhah's Trail: Dogrib sacred sites and the anthropology of travel, in J. Oakes, R. Riewe, R. Roderick, K. Kinew, and E. Maloney (eds), Sacred lands: aboriginal world views, claims, and conflicts, Edmonton, Canadian Circumpolar Institute Press: 305-320.

5. APORTA, Claudio, 2000 Field notes, in private possession of the author.

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