Material and Theological Identities


Bugslag James1


1. School of Art, University of Manitoba


This article charts, through the longue durée, two contested constructions of the Virgin Mary, the one theological, the other material. Material constructions, founded on such concrete material as relics, images, pilgrimage shrines and sacralized landscape features, differ considerably from, and have sometimes clashed with theological constructions. These two quite distinct hermeneutical strands of Marian identity, I contend, have always formed a discourse, and neither can be understood fully without reference to the other. This discursive consideration of Mary both broadens consideration of her historical identity beyond the hegemonic definition of the Church and creates a fuller appreciation of the diverse functions and meanings that Mary has had for her various constituencies.


Consortium Erudit

Reference94 articles.

1. Albe, E., trans. (1996), Les miracles de Notre-Dame de Rocamadour au xiie siècle, Toulouse, Le Pérégrinateur.

2. Albert-Llorca, M. (2002), Les Vierges miraculeuses. Légendes et rituels, Paris, Gallimard.

3. Baldovin, J. (1987), The Urban Character of Christian Worship : The Origins, Development and Meaning of Stational Liturgy, Rome, Pont. Institutum Studiorum Orientalium.

4. Barre, H. (1949), « La croyance à l’Assomption corporelle en Occident de 750 à 1150 environ », in Assomption de Marie II, Études mariales, 7, p. 63-123.

5. Baun, J. (2004), « Discussing Mary’s Humanity in Medieval Byzantium », in The Church and Mary : Papers Read at the 2001 Summer Meeting and the 2002 Winter Meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society, Woodbridge, Boydell, p. 63-72.







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