The gender of the bear


Trott Christopher G.1


1. Native Studies Department,St. John's College,92 Dysart Road,Winnipeg, MB,R3T 2M5,Canada.


This article argues that there is an homological relationship between the symbolism surrounding the polar bear and the categorisation of gender among Inuit. In the first part of the paper, the broad implications of the significance of the bear are explored. The extensive debates around how to conceptualise Inuit gender categories are then summarised, focusing especially on the construction of a "third gender." These two apparently disparate fields of social thought are then brought together to propose a model that allows scholars to understand both the symbolic significance of bears and gender in a new way. Although the concept of a "third gender" has proved to be theoretically very powerful, it is inadequate to the data from Inuit who continue to hold two distinctive categories of gender. But unlike most other models, it allows for a passage connecting the two genres through which people can pass.


Consortium Erudit


General Social Sciences,General Arts and Humanities

Reference38 articles.

1. BLAISEL, Xavier and Jarich G. OOSTEN, 1997 La logique des échanges des fêtes d'hiver inuit, Anthropologie et Sociétés, 21: 19-44.

2. BOAS, Franz, 1964 [1888] The Central Eskimo, Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press.

3. BRIGGS, Jean, 1974 Eskimo Women: Makers of Men, in C. J. Matthiasson (ed.), Many sisters: Women in Cross-Cultural Perspective, New York, Free Press: 261-304.

4. BRODY, Hugh, 1975 The People's Land: Eskimos and Whites in the Eastern Arctic, Harmondsworth, Penguin Books.

5. DOUGLAS, Mary, 1966 Purity and Danger: An Analysis of Concepts of Pollution and Taboo, Harmondsworth, Penguin Books.

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