1. Angoff, W.H. & Modu, C.C., "Equating the Scales of the Spanish-Language Prueba de Aptitud Académica and the English-Language Scholastic Aptitude Test of the College Entrance Examination Board ". Research Bulletin. Educational Testing Service. Princeton/Berkeley, January 1973.
2. Angoff, W.H. & Stern, J., "The Equating of the Scales for the Canadian and American Scholastic Aptitude Tests ". Project sponsored jointly by the Service for Admission to College and University and the College Entrance Examination Board. Project Report. Educational Testing Service. Princeton/Berkeley, December, 1971.
3. Carmody, J.F., Fenske, R.H. & Scott, C.S., " Changes in Goals, Plans, and Background Characteristics of College-Bound High School Students". Act Research Report. 52, 1972.
4. Cole, N.S., "Bias in Selection". Act Research Report. 51, 1972.
5. Harvey, R.J., "A comparison of other test results with Departmental Examination in New Brunswick ". A paper presented at the SACU Annual Meeting, April 20, 1972,in Montreal, P. Que.