1. Abraham, Peter, 2003 Oral History Interview with C. Alix and R. Wheeler, August 11th 2003, Togiak, Alaska, disponible en contactant R. Wheeler, Cooperative Extension Services, University of Alaska Fairbanks.
2. Alix, Claire, 2001 Exploitation du bois par les populations néo-eskimo entre le nord de l’Alaska et le Haut Arctique canadien, Thèse de doctorat, Paris, Université de Paris I - Panthéon Sorbonne.
3. Alix, Claire, 2003a The Availability of Wood and its Use by Neo-Eskimo People of the Western and Eastern Arctic (AD 900-1500): Impact of Environmental Change and Technological Adaptation, communication orale présentée à l’International Young Scientists’ Global Change Conference, Trieste, Italie.
4. Alix, Claire, 2003b Preliminary Report: Ongoing Study of the Deering Wood Collection, Fairbanks, report to Northern Land Use Resources.
5. Alix, Claire, 2003c Wood Artifacts and Technology at Qitchauvik, in Ipiutak Outlier - 1500 years old Qarigi on the Golovnin Lagoon. Golovin Heritage Field School 1992-2000, final report to the Shared Beringian Heritage Program, section 6, Anchorage, National Park Service: 76-109.