Existe-t-il des topoï spécifiques aux animaux ?


Ripoll Élodie


<p>Are they any animal topoi, or are they merely pre-existing topoi that include animals through anthropomorphisation? The aim of this paper is to extend Sator's reflections on the birdsongs of the fables, which are at once zoological observations, toposemes and typemes. The analysis will focus on the Roman de Renart, the Fables de La Fontaine and the Scènes de la vie privée et publique des animaux, three sets of short narratives in which the animals at the centre are sometimes the narrators. There are several reasons for this choice of texts: the variety of narrative situations and species represented, both wild and domestic, and a certain homogeneity in the ideological context of each work.</p><p>After a preliminary survey of the first Satorbase, I will analyse the narrative and topical treatment of situations specific to animals (eating, noises, migrations) before observing the most frequent topoi (such as tricking the trickster, hunger, an assembly of animals chooses a king or a representative), their narrative configurations and any variations.</p><p>This topical examination will provide an opportunity to consider the status of animals in society: do the topoi reflect these changes? do they incorporate new animals? are they influenced by the gradual emergence of pets in the bourgeoisie?</p>


Consortium Erudit

Reference39 articles.

1. Contes merveilleux de Perrault, Fénelon, Mailly, Préchac, Choisy et anonymes, Paris, Honoré Champion (Bibliothèque des Génies et des Fées), 2005 [Tony Gheeraert (éd.)].

2. Le Roman de Renart, Paris, Honoré Champion (Champion Classiques Moyen Âge), 2013-2015, 2 vol. [Jean Dufournet, Laurence Harf-Lancner, Marie-Thérèse de Medeiros et Jean Subrenat (éd. et trad.)].

3. Scènes de la vie privée et publique des animaux, Études de mœurs contemporaines, Paris, Maresq et Cie, 1852, 2 vol.

4. D’AULNOY, Marie-Catherine, Les Contes des Fées, Paris, Honoré Champion (Champion Classiques Litttérature), 2008 [Nadine Jasmin (éd.)].

5. DESCARTES, René, Discours de la méthode, Paris, chez Théodore Girard, 1668.








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