Mediterranean Perspectives: Early Spanish and Italian Contributions to the Cinema of Irregular Migration (Giordana, Marra, Soler, Uribe)1


Berger Verena1,Winkler Daniel2


1. Universität Wien

2. Universität Innsbruck


This article focuses on four relatively early Italian and Spanish films treating “illegal” migrations across the Mediterranean: Imanol Uribe’s Bwana (1996), Llorenç Soler’s Saïd (1998), Vincenzo Marra’s Tornando a casa (2001) and Marco Tullio Giordana’s Quando sei nato non puoi più nasconderti (2005). The analysis predominantly looks at representations of the categories “space” and “place,” which refer both to the spatial structures of the films themselves and to the ideological structures through which the clandestines migrate. The focus of this investigation concentrates on the (border) places linked to “illegal” immigration and proposes four categories through which to understand the cinematic practice of locating irregular migration.


Consortium Erudit


Visual Arts and Performing Arts,Communication

Reference20 articles.

1. Augé 1992: Marc Augé, Non-Lieux: introduction à une anthropologie de la surmodernité, Paris, Seuil, 1992.

2. Balibar 2004: Étienne Balibar, We, the People of Europe? Reflections on Transnational Citizenship, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2004.

3. Berger 2006: Verena Berger, “Clandestinas: Illegale Migration aus der Karibik im spanischen Film der Gegenwart: Princesas (2005) und Agua con sal (2005),” Quo Vadis Romania, no. 27, 2006, pp. 117-38.

4. Brown, Iordanova and Torchin 2010: William Brown, Dina Iordanova and Leshu Torchin, Moving People, Moving Images: Cinema and Trafficking in the New Europe, St. Andrews, St. Andrews Film Studies, 2010.

5. Certeau 1988: Michel de Certeau, The Practice of Everyday Life, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1988.

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