1. ADDISON, John T., John BURTON et Thomas S. TORRANCE, "On the Causation of Inflation", Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies, juin 1980, pp. 140-56. Traduction: "Une analyse des controverses sur les causes de l'inflation", Problèmes économiques, 28 janvier 1981, pp. 21-7.
2. BARRÈRE, Alain, Déséquilibres économiques et contre-révolution keynésienne, Paris: Economica, 1979.
3. CHICK, Victoria. The Theory of Monetary Policy, Oxford: Parkgate Books, 1977.
4. CHICK, Victoria, " Monetarist Views on Inflation" in David F. Heathfield, edit., Perspectives on Inflation: Models and Policies, Longman, London, 1979.
5. CLINTON, Kevin et Kevin LYNCH, "Monetary Base and Money Stock in Canada", rapport technique # 16, Banque du Canada, 1979, 57 pp.