Schools of Music as Social Institutions in Service to Society


Rice Timothy1


1. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)


Faculties and schools of music in Canada and the United States define their missions narrowly; their curricula continue to be devoted almost exclusively to a music culture created in Europe and exported to colonial and postcolonial settings around the world. These institutions teach an exclusionary aesthetic philosophy rooted in white supremacy, one that results in the unethical exclusion of musicians and musical cultures created by the communities and societies that universities are meant to serve. After analyzing the content of, and the ideas behind, various course syllabi, the author outlines pathways for creating aesthetically and ethically inclusive and anti-racist curricula in music history and music appreciation at music faculties and schools of music in Canada and the United States.


Consortium Erudit

Reference29 articles.

1. Amaegbe, Esinkuma James, Glory Nnam, Anthony Okoro, Nturem Masiakek, Pere Fatai, and Marie Agatha Ozah. 2022. Towards Decolonization of the Curricula in Nigerian Musical Arts Education. In Dialogues: Towards Decolonizing Music and Dance Studies, (accessed November 23, 2022). Ed. Tan Sooi Beng and Marcia Ostashewski. Ajdovščina, Slovenia: International Council for Traditional Music.

2. Blacking, John. 1973. How Musical Is Man? Seattle: University of Washington Press.

3. Bohlman, Philip. 2013. Introduction: World Music Histories. In The Cambridge History of World Music, 1–20. Ed. Philip Bohlman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

4. Cal Poly Pomona. 2022. Bachelor of Music (BM). 2022–2023 University Catalog. (accessed December 3, 2022).

5. Campbell, Patricia, David Myers, Ed Sarath, Juan Chattah, Lee Higgins, Victoria Lindsay Levine, David Rudge, and Timothy Rice. 2014. Transforming Music Study from its Foundations: A Manifesto for Progressive Change in the Undergraduate Preparation of Music Majors. Missoula, MT: The College Music Society.







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