1. Buchner. A.P., 1989. Geochronology of the Lockport Site. Manitoba Archaeological Quarterly, 12: 27-31.
2. Clark, R. H., 1950. Notes on Red River Floods with Particular Reference to the flood of 1950. Department of Mines and Natural Resources.
3. Dyck, W., Fyles, J.G. and Blake, W., Jr., 1965. Geological Survey of Canada Radiocarbon Dates IV. Geological Survey Canada Paper 65-4: 24-46
4. Environment Canada, 1951. Red River Basin Investigation, Plans H-1 to H-41 at scales of 1" to 500' and 1" to 600', 5' contours, river profile, normal high water, approximate prairie gradient, etc Water Survey of Canada, Winnipeg.
5. Ehrlich, W.A., Poser, E.A., Pratt, L.E. and Ellis, J.H., 1953. Report of Reconnaissance soil survey of Winnipeg and Morris Map sheet areas. Manitoba Soil Survey, Soils Report No. 5, 111 p.