1. CHUKCHI DISTRICT ARCHIVES (CDA), 1958 Ispolkom Naukanskogo soveta deputatov trudiashchikhsia. Protokoly zasedanii, 1954-1958 (‘Naukan Council Executive Committee. Minutes of the Meetings, 1954-1958’), Lavrentiya, Chukchi District Archives.
2. STATE ARCHIVES OF THE CHUKOTKA AUTONOMOUS REGION (SACAR), 1939 Spiski naselennykh mest Chukotskogo raiona Kamchatskoi oblasti Dal’nevostochnogo kraia (‘The List of Inhabited Sites [Villages and Camps] of the Chukchi District, Kamchatka Province, Far-Eastern Region’), Anadyr, State Archives of the Chukotka Autonomous Region, coll. 13, reg. 1, file 11.
3. STATE ARCHIVES OF THE CHUKOTKA AUTONOMOUS REGION (SACAR), 1946 Svedeniia o chislennosti i sostave naseleniia Chukotskogo raiona na 1 janvaria 1942-45 gg. (‘Data on the Population Number and the Composition of the Residents of the Chukchi District, January 1, 1942-January 1, 1945’), Anadyr, State Archives of the Chukotka Autonomous Region, coll. 26, reg. 1, file 3.
4. STATE ARCHIVES OF THE CHUKOTKA AUTONOMOUS REGION (SACAR), 1951 Dinamika razvitiia narodnogo khoziaistva Chukotskogo raiona (‘Progress in the Economy of the Chukchi District. Basic Statistical Data’), Anadyr, State Archives of the Chukotka Autonomous Region, coll. P-25, reg. 1, file 1.
5. STATE ARCHIVES OF THE CHUKOTKA AUTONOMOUS REGION (SACAR), 1952 Protokoly zasedanii Chukotskogo okrispolkoma za iul’-dekabr’ 1952 g. (‘Minutes of the Sessions of the Chukchi Region Executive Committee, July-December 1952’), Anadyr, State Archives of the Chukotka Autonomous Region, coll. P-1, reg.1, file 167.