The end of “Eskimo land”: Yupik relocation in Chukotka, 1958-1959


Krupnik Igor1,Chlenov Mikhail2


1. Arctic Studies Center,Department of Anthropology,National Museum of Natural History,Smithsonian Institution,Washington, DC,USA 20013-7012.

2. School of Languages,The Maimonides Academy,Moscow,Russia 115305.


Fifty years ago, in summer 1958, Russian authorities started a program of massive relocation of the Yupik population on the Chukchi Peninsula, Siberia. About 800 people, or roughly 70% of the small nation of 1,100 at that time, were forced to leave their home sites and were moved to other communities. Some basic facts related to the Yupik relocations of the 1950s have been known since the 1960s; but no first-hand narratives of the displaced people were ever published. The paper overviews the closing of the three largest Siberian Yupik communities of Naukan, Ungaziq (Chaplino) and Plover in 1958-1959, and the displacement of their residents as recalled from their memories and personal accounts collected by the authors during the 1970s and 1980s. The paper argues that Soviet Yupik relocations of the 1950s were unprecedented in their scale and traumatic impact, even when compared to other state-initiated resettlement programs that targeted many Inuit communities in Alaska, Canada and Greenland.


Consortium Erudit


General Social Sciences,General Arts and Humanities

Reference45 articles.

1. CHUKCHI DISTRICT ARCHIVES (CDA), 1958 Ispolkom Naukanskogo soveta deputatov trudiashchikhsia. Protokoly zasedanii, 1954-1958 (‘Naukan Council Executive Committee. Minutes of the Meetings, 1954-1958’), Lavrentiya, Chukchi District Archives.

2. STATE ARCHIVES OF THE CHUKOTKA AUTONOMOUS REGION (SACAR), 1939 Spiski naselennykh mest Chukotskogo raiona Kamchatskoi oblasti Dal’nevostochnogo kraia (‘The List of Inhabited Sites [Villages and Camps] of the Chukchi District, Kamchatka Province, Far-Eastern Region’), Anadyr, State Archives of the Chukotka Autonomous Region, coll. 13, reg. 1, file 11.

3. STATE ARCHIVES OF THE CHUKOTKA AUTONOMOUS REGION (SACAR), 1946 Svedeniia o chislennosti i sostave naseleniia Chukotskogo raiona na 1 janvaria 1942-45 gg. (‘Data on the Population Number and the Composition of the Residents of the Chukchi District, January 1, 1942-January 1, 1945’), Anadyr, State Archives of the Chukotka Autonomous Region, coll. 26, reg. 1, file 3.

4. STATE ARCHIVES OF THE CHUKOTKA AUTONOMOUS REGION (SACAR), 1951 Dinamika razvitiia narodnogo khoziaistva Chukotskogo raiona (‘Progress in the Economy of the Chukchi District. Basic Statistical Data’), Anadyr, State Archives of the Chukotka Autonomous Region, coll. P-25, reg. 1, file 1.

5. STATE ARCHIVES OF THE CHUKOTKA AUTONOMOUS REGION (SACAR), 1952 Protokoly zasedanii Chukotskogo okrispolkoma za iul’-dekabr’ 1952 g. (‘Minutes of the Sessions of the Chukchi Region Executive Committee, July-December 1952’), Anadyr, State Archives of the Chukotka Autonomous Region, coll. P-1, reg.1, file 167.

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