1. Association of Canadian Deans of Education (ACDE). (2010). Accord on Indigenous education. Retrieved from http://www.oise.utoronto.ca/aboriginal/UserFiles/File/FoE_document_ACDE_Accord_Indigenous_Education_01-12-10-1.pdf
2. Battiste, M. (2013). Decolonizing education: Nourishing the learning spirit. Saskatoon, SK: Purich.
3. Boler, M. (1999). Feeling power emotions and education. New York, NY: Routledge.
4. Cannon, M. (2012). Changing the subject in teacher education: Centering Indigenous, diasporic, and settler colonial relations. Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry, 4(2), 21-37.
5. Freire, P. (1993). Pedagogy of the oppressed. (M. Bergman Ramos, Trans.). London, England: Penguin. (Original work published 1970)