1. ANDREWS, Jennifer (1999), « Rethinking the Relevance of Magic Realism for English-Canadian Literature: Reading Ann-Marie MacDonald’s Fall On Your Knees », Studies in Canadian Literature, n 24, vol. 1, pp. 1-19.
2. ATWOOD, Margaret (1976), Lady Oracle, London: Virago.
3. ATWOOD, Margaret (1986), « Introduction », in Margaret Atwood et Robert Weaver (eds.), The Oxford Book of Canadian Short Stories, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
4. ATWOOD, Margaret (2007 [1988]), Cat’s Eye, London: Bloomsbury.
5. ATWOOD, Margaret et Robert WEAVER (1995), « Introduction », in Margaret Atwood et Robert Weaver (eds.), The New Oxford Book of Canadian Short Stories, Oxford: Oxford University Press.