1. BALFOUR, Henry n.d. Correspondence with Diamond Jenness, Oxford, Pitt Rivere Museum, Mise. Mss. 15.
2. BARBEAU, C. Marius 1912-53 Correspondence with Diamond Jenness, Ottawa, Canadian Centrefor Folk Culture Studies, National Museums of Canada.
3. BARBEAU, C. Marius 1916 Henri Beuchat, American Anthropologist, 18(n.s.):105-110.
4. BOAS, Franz n.d Correspondence with Diamond Jenness, Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society Archives, Boas Papere B:B61, folder 1.
5. CANADA, DEPARTMENT OF MINES 1915 Summary Report of the Geological Survey, Department of Mines, For the Calendar Year 1914, Sessional Paper No. 26, Ottawa, King's Printer.