Structural Elements and Neotectonics of Prince Edward County, Southern Ontario


McFall Gail H.


The seismically active Clarendon-Linden Fault of western New York State appears to connect with the Salmon River Fault and possibly with the Picton Fault, both of which cut through Prince Edward County, southern Ontario. Bedrock exposures display a variety of structural features including faults, fractures, and pop-ups which indicate that the region has been subjected to repeated tectonism since the Middle Ordovician. Thus, despite the general perception that Prince Edward County and the rest of the Lake Ontario region is one of low seismic potential, geological and geophysical data suggest otherwise.


Consortium Erudit



Reference63 articles.

1. Adams, J., 1982. Stress-relief buckles in the McFarland quarry, Ottawa. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 19: 1883-1887.

2. Adams, J., 1989. Postglacial faulting in eastern Canada: nature, origin and seismic hazard implications. In N.-A. Môrner and J. Adams (eds.), Paleoseismiciy and Neotectonics. Tectonophysics, 163: 321-331.

3. Adams, J. and Basham, P., 1987. Seismicity, crustal stresses and seismotec-tonics of eastern Canada, p. 127-142. In K.E. Jacob (éd.), Proceedings from the Symposium on Seismic Hazards, Ground Motions, Soil-Liquefaction and Engineering Practice in Eastern North America. Technical Report NCEER-87-0025, National Centre For Earthquake Engineering Research, Buffalo.

4. Allam, A.M. and McFall, G.H., in press. Geophysical investigations of bedrock structures in Prince Edward County, southern Ontario. Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report.

5. Anderson, T.W. and Lewis, C.F.M., 1975. Acoustic profiling and sediment coring in Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, and Georgian Bay. Geological Survey of Canada Paper 75-1, Part A, 373-376.







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