Tissue culture of Pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium) and associated microbial contamination


Ambrožič Dolinšek Jana,Ravnikar Maja,Žel Jana,Demšar Tina,Camloh Marjana,Cankar Katarina,Dreo Taja


Microbial contamination was observed on several subcultures of Pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium) (Trevir.) Schultz-bip. callus lines. The presence of microorganisms- sms was detected by isolation of contaminants in pure culture from 7 out of 34 callus lines and direct ampliication of eubacterial 16S rDNA in the pyrethrum callus and plants and isolated bacteria. Altogether 16 contaminants were further analyzed, observing their morphology on several media and restriction of ampliied 16S rDNA. Analysis revealed presence and persistence of morphologically and genetically diverse bacteria in pyrethrum tissue culture. Due to cross-reactivity of 16S rDNA primers with DNA of plant origin, no conclusions could be drawn on the origin of contaminants.


Javna Agencija za Raziskovalno Dejavnost RS


University of Ljubljana

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