1. [1] P. Fraenkel and J. Thake, Water Lifting Devices: a handbook for users and choosers, Rugby: Intermediate Technology Publications Ltd, 3rd Ed., 2006.
2. [2] R.A. Lambert, How to Build a Rope-and-Washer Pump, Intermediate Technology Design Group, London, 1990.
3. The rope pump - an example of technology transfer
4. [5] A. Blanken, Measurements and Analysis on the Performance of the Rope-pump, University of Technology, The Netherlands, 2009 [http://www.msabi.org/docs/ropepump, viewed online 08/12/10].
5. [6] P. T. Smulders and R.P.P. Rijs, A Hydrodynamic Model of the Rope-pump, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, 2006 [http://www.arrakis.nl/reports/060923_Ropepump_Smulders-Rijs_lr.pdf, viewed online 08/12/10].