Diversity of mollusc communities in some aquatic habitats of Shatsk Lake Area


Koltun I.ORCID, ,Khamar I.ORCID,


Background. The paper presents the results of an original research on groups of freshwater molluscs in some water habitats of Shatsk Lake Area. The Shatsk National Nature Park belongs to the Volynian Polissia according to physical and geographical zoning. Aesthetic appeal, clear water, clean sandy lake bottoms, pine forests, etc., are attracting more visitors to the park every year. The recreational value of the Shatsk National Nature Park in the summer season is significant. The high anthropogenic load accelerates the intensity of eutrophication of lakes and promotes the overgrowth of the shores with macrophytes, which eventually leads to an increase in the density of the macrobenthos, in particular the malacofauna of the lakes. Material and Methods. Research was conducted in the summer period of 2013–2014 and 2018–2020 on some water bodies of the Shatsk National Nature Park with different trophic state including Lakes Svityaz, Pisochne, Lyutsymer, Krymne, Ostrivyanske and Somynets. Results. Freshwater molluscs are convenient subjects for water pollution stu­dies because they are good indicators of habitat quality. Svityaz and Pisochne Lakes belong to slightly mesotrophic water bodies, which are actively used for recreational purposes. Among water bodies under study, Lake Svityaz is characterized by the most significant species diversity of molluscs (23 species). Lakes Lyutsymer and Krymne are mesotrophic water bodies exposed to a high anthropogenic load. The largest number of bivalve molluscs of the genera Unio and Anodonta is characteristic of Lake Lyutsymer, while in Lake Krymne, the lowest species diversity of malacofauna (13 species) was observed. Lakes Ostrivyanske and Somynets are mesotrophic shallow water bodies. We detected a significant increase in the species composition of molluscs in these lakes during the research period. Conclusions. The research of the qualitative and quantitative composition of the malacofauna revealed an increase in the number and species diversity of molluscs. In addition, the spread of an invasive New Zealand snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum to new water bodies on the territory of Shatsk Lake Area has been recorded.


Ivan Franko National University of Lviv


General Medicine

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