
Shevtsova Anastasiia1ORCID,Tomeniuk Olena1ORCID


1. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv


The study of Palaeolithic sites as complex monuments of nature and society is necessary for the organization of their proper protection and preservation, because cultural heritage is an important part of the history of any country and its national value. There is an urgent need for reforms related to the preservation and protection of cultural heritage in Ukraine. It is also important to develop new programs of activities aimed at the protection of monuments, which would contribute to the practical implementation of norms and principles of international and national law in the field of environmental protection. Public policy and activity in the field of organization of protection of natural, cultural (including archaeological) monuments is an actual direction of modern scientific research. In addition, a significant part of the Palaeolithic sites requires special protection against damage, the establishment of a special regime of protection and use, which provides for the inviolability of the mutual location of the layers of the object. This regime excludes any economic activity that may result in damage or destruction of the object. The natural conditions of the territory, in particular the landforms, play a very important role both in the formation of settlements and in their further preservation, which is an integral part of the study of cultural heritage such as Palaeolithic sites. Morphometric analysis makes it possible to assess the landforms in terms of the attractiveness of certain places for the organization of settlements of ancient people. The purpose of this article is to analyse the main morphometric characteristics of the vicinity of the Palaeolithic sites of Bugliv group in Ternopil region, as well as to develop and present documentation for conservation (passport) of the Palaeolithic site Vanzhuliv I (Zamchysko), which is the best preserved among the Bugliv group of sites. The passport is developed for this site as a complex monument of nature and society, taking into account of the most important criteria for the organization of the protection regime, such as: type of object, scientific value, accessibility for visiting and inspection, preservation status, recommendations for use, etc. Key words: Palaeolithic sites; Bugliv Palaeolithic group; Podillya; landforms; morphometric analysis; geoinformation systems; heritage protection; certification.


Ivan Franko National University of Lviv


General Engineering

Reference22 articles.

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