Winter avifauna habitat types of urban agglomerations: comparison by qualitative and quantitative indicators


Zhulenko VadymORCID, ,Drekalo RoksolanaORCID,


Background. The winter avifauna of urban agglomerations is a rather dynamic object of research, whose indicators differ across cities and years of observation. Depending on the species characteristics and the level of anthropogenization, birds in the territory of cities choose different types of habitats, which also requires analysis. Materials and Methods. Research on the species composition of wintering birds on the territories of Zhydachiv and Lviv urban agglomerations was carried out in winter periods of 2020–2023 by means of field trips using the method of point records (Bibby et al., 2000). In order to count small species of Passeriformes accurately, a slightly modified version of this method was used. In this case, observations were carried out in a double radius. Birds were recorded separately in R1 – up to 25 m and R2 – from 25 to 50 m. The optimal time for counting at one point is 8–10 minutes. The counting area corresponds to a circle with a known radius. Research was carried out mainly in morning hours – from 8:00 to 11:00 in the case of absence of heavy precipitation, fog or strong wind. Results and Discussion. After comparing the winter avifauna of urban agglo­merations of the regional (Lviv) and district (Zhydachiv) levels, which differ in the level of environmental transformation, we established certain differences. A total of 48 species of wintering birds have been recorded, of which the Сommon Goldeneye (Bucephala clangula) and the Ural Owl (Strix uralensis) are protected by the Red Data Book of Ukraine. Conclusion. For each of the agglomerations, dominant species of birds have been determined. Admittedly, birds in the territory of cities seek to occupy a territory with conditions most similar to the natural environment. Additionally, we attempted to understand the patterns of distribution of wintering species in the study area and the reasons for such placement.


Ivan Franko National University of Lviv


Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)

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